Brandon Ellington, previously, represented Kansas City 3rd district at-large. Ellington was elected to the city council in 2019. Before serving on the city council Ellington served as State Representative of the 22nd district which covered parts of Jackson County and Independence in the House of Representatives. Ellington was first elected during a special election to the House of Representative in 2011.
During his tenure in the House of Representatives, Rep. Ellington served as the Chairman of the Missouri Legislative Black Caucus (2015-2017), Vice Chairman of the Missouri Legislative Black Caucus (2013-2015) and ended his serves as the House Minority Whip (2018-2019).
Ellington has a proven track record of being an advocate for the underprivileged and disenfranchised. As a state rep. Ellington introduced legislation dealing with criminal justice reforms, increased educational opportunities, tax incentive reforms, full legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, judicial reform and expungement of records. Ellington has fought for Healthcare and Mental Health funding, increased protections for Seniors and Veterans.
As a council member Ellington has continued to represent the underserved and disenfranchised by working on ordinances dealing with redirecting city services, improving transparency on boards and commissions, redirecting grant allocation, creating the Office of Citizens engagement, working on housing and unhoused solution, rededicating PIAC monies to PIAC projects and changing structural challenges. As a councilmember Ellington has committed to community outreach by hosting monthly 1st Friday's meetings at Soiree' 18th Vine as well as 1st Saturday's district wide clean-ups.
Ellington has fought against laws that seek to weaken protections pertaining to discrimination in race relations, housing, employment, wages, women rights and LGBTQ targeted issues
Ellington lives in Kansas City, was born in Kansas City, he is a 1999 graduate of Paseo High School in Kansas City and attended Penn Valley University and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Ellington currently serves Kansas City at the State level and is Looking to Serve as your Voice in the Senate.
Brandon Ellington